Forums - Cheapest traps/MVC2 Show all 33 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Cheapest traps/MVC2 ( Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:08:2000 06:40 AM: If I enter a tourney I just want to be aware of some traps.There is suppose to be a few with these teams;Blackheart,spiral,cable/Blackheart,Doom,cable/Then sentinel,black,doom but how are you going to have a team that you just do traps with cause most people don't know how to play with blackheart("Hey look at me I'm doing the same move over and over again gee I'm tough now")-that's how scubs think, I can't say to much cause right now on this message board I'm ranked a scrub then there is cable viper beam,viper beam that's all you will hear but try that B.S. on me and you will find all your life non-existing by my colossus/juggernaut combo then Doom he seems pretty good just have to now how to use him I just had to point out some characters that that ALOT of people don't know how to use. The thing is I don't think these traps go on forever eventually you will be out of reach or you will mess up so I guess I can't go ahead and say traps are cheap because there is a way out of them just need some traps to be aware of and also how to do them I'll probably use them.Well,thanks um...excuse the spelling Posted by triptacon on 10:08:2000 07:00 AM: You forgot about the strider/doom trap. That's one of the most annoying traps in the game. Then you also have to deal with the guard-crush combos, like Cable, or Strider or who ever else have guard-crush combos. I suggest you put a flyer on your Colossus, Juggernaught team. The traps may not last forever but if done correctly, the window of opporunity to get out of the traps is very small. Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:08:2000 07:43 AM: First of all I'm no newbie to this game,but how do you do a trap or a trap for my team or any team you know the ever so popular Blackheart,Cable,Spiral/Sentinel "Corner trap" that everyone uses in a tourney? Posted by triptacon on 10:08:2000 10:08 AM: I'm not sure I want to know exactly what the traps are and you're not a newbie? For example, Sentinal/BH: Low FP and BH AAA at same time, cancel into sentinal drones, repeat. I personally suck with Spiral but if you haven't seen the trap with her check out the B4 clip that's at this site. It briefly shows Spiral going nuts with the swords and pinning the opponent down. I'm not sure if I've helped because I'm not exactly sure want you need to know. Sorry. Posted by ShadowLady on 10:08:2000 10:21 AM: quote: First of all I'm no newbie to this game,but how do you do a trap or a trap for my team or any team you know the ever so popular Blackheart, Cable, Spiral/Sentinel "Corner trap" that everyone uses in a tourney? well with that team there can be lots of traps. spiral can create a strong trap on her own just by jumping up and down and launching a wall of swords. i myself do this a lot and i've just seen a marvelous example of it on the b4 video teaser. learn it well for it to be effective. smartly mix in cable's projectile assist as well to help the trap. now spiral/blackheart works the best for me. umm... full screen decent trap by launching those swords with blackheart's AAA keeping them grounded. you need to learn to launch the swords at the right time and in the right places. while blackheart's AAA is out, it's safe to reactivate and continue the barage. a real bitch to get out of if done right. not quite as effective in the sense of difficulty to get out of, is spiral w/doom AAA. also works the same from full screen and chips unbelievably well. takes some well timed and placed swords to prevent them getting out. always be wary of your helpers when you fight cable. luckily spiral can teleport in time and punish also with blackheart spiral can do a closer range trap. standing hp (blocked or not), blackheart AAA, activate swords, dash, standing hp, sword x 6, blackheart AAA, activate swords, dash, standing hp, sword x 6, blackheart AAA, wonders and gives you the opportunity to activate the swords after a blocked hp. god a hate sentinal and refuse to play him (he's not my style) but i know he's one of the best in the game. i've seen him work decent with spiral with that one assist of his, but sentinal is great trapping character himself. learn your matchups, as he either cremates the other character or dies to them. the corner trap of his involves flying and just kicking em in the head in the corner, using assists to not let them out. doom's AAA works well. i've always been a spiral player so my team basically revolves around her traps a lot. i've had a lot of success with spiral, cable, and cyke/blackheart but now i think my best team is spiral, doom, and blackheart. god there are tons of traps in that team including doom w/bh and vice versa. Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:08:2000 11:48 AM: I said before I may not be as popular as you or James Chen himself but I asure you I'm no newbie but there is nothing that I can to to prove this therefore I can only assume that you believe me.Yeah, I need some traps to "up" or improve my game in my area no one uses traps it's just an all out beat down but once I master these traps I'll be a much better player thanks for your strats.Also,thanks for replying Shadowlady*** thanks for all the traps but I'm going to go ahead and assume that everyone is extremely good with BlackHeart/Doom if they do play with them but the another reason I ask for traps with BlackHeart/Doom/spiral is beacause I need to see what they can do together but one point I'm trying to get at is how good is someone with the one character alone meaning-How good are you with BlackHeart with no asist,Doom no assist,spiral no assist etc...for all of the other trap characters. Now as for Sentinel oh how I used to hate him Damn just looking at the over powered son-of-B**** but I was at the arcade the other day and this guy used sentinel,no he did not use traps he just played and what p*ssed me off is he was throwing stuff out at random so he beat me the first time I played him so as he beat some other people senseless I studyied him for a couple of minutes trying to figure out what I did wrong nothing really I just had to slow the game down cable helped out in that department but I had to use perhaps the scrubiest move of all the gambit "Glitch" with 8-seconds left someone had to beat him cause this guy would not say much but just by looking at him you knew that he thought he was the best so I had to beat him.But the whole reason I use Sentinel is beacause of this guy also the fact that he takes lowest damage out of the entire game.But it's ironic that later I found out the "GUY" won the MVC2 Diversions game room tournament Diversions is the most popular arcade in san antonio meaning the guy was one of san antonio's best...but the fact I beat him means nothing just remember it's not so much to win if you did'nt improve but thanks for replying. p.s. have you heard of the 22-hit ice beam?(no it's not a combo) Posted by kdcmarvel on 10:09:2000 07:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gamerzr0: p.s. have you heard of the 22-hit ice beam?(no it's not a combo) I heard about this. It's sometyhing like mash the buttons before the match start and then the ice beam assist will do 22 hits instead of 7, right? Do you know the exactly procedure to make this glitch happens? Thank's for the answer! Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:09:2000 10:19 AM: kdcmarvel, no I don't know the procedure the best thing I know that you could do is keep asking around like I am. Posted by PuReELiTE on 10:09:2000 01:15 PM: My friend does this trap really well with Cable/ice man. Ice man has Alpha type. Cable is in the game fierce x4, Assist ice man, throw gernade with lk, fierce x4, repeat. Chips lots of life because of the ice man Posted by Buggernaut on 10:11:2000 12:53 AM: Yo, gamerz, i'm just gonna warn you, you say you're no newbie but a good trapper will make you feel like one at a tourney. big guys, especially jugg, can get ripped to death just on guard damage from a strider/doom trap. and colossus and jugg ain't top tier. I'm not tryin to insult you or anything, but just be sure you know what you're sayin when you say "i'm not a newbie" when at the same time you're askin about traps. and cable rapes jugg and colossus, btw. So, go to your tourney, and learn, but be humble cause a good trapper will make you feel helpless with those characters. once again, no offence, but go out there and get some experience before you say anyting about youreslf Posted by Sinawe on 10:11:2000 03:21 AM: There are lot of traps that are very popular, such as the infamous Doom / Strider trap (which really isn't as popular as people think it is....nor is it that hard to avoid, but annoying, yes), and Doom / Blackheart and Sentinal / Blackheart traps. Spiral trap can be very nice too, and i think it is the most timing precise trap in the game (duc do has this down to science). There are alot of traps that are unorthodox as well, such as the Dalhsim / cable trap and Bison / Doom / Blackheart trap. Traps are getting the false idea that its a one dimensional game, and that its ....ehem "cheap" But mind you, go to any of the big tourneys and you'll see that its MUCH MUCH harder than people make it out to be. Also, most traps, if not all, are escapable. But those experts will get you back in the trap, and then again and again, taking the flow of the gameplay to their side. Thats why i think trap games are so effective. Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:11:2000 10:05 AM: Hey buggernaut thanks for replying, So tell me buggernaut did you see the words say "I'm going to use colossus and jugg at a tourney" no I did not say that, you went along and assumed I would not use colossus and jugg on the same team at a tourney that people use traps I would not use them in a tourney at all only "for fun" (which is probably most tourneys) cause your right about colossus and jugg on the same team at a tourney they would get there a** kicked (D*mn I wish we had net play) but in your eyes and anyone elses eyes if you think that since I never really have seen a trap just heard about them and since I ask about them if you consider that to be a newbie than I guess I am. Well tell me what you think of this team Cable-Projectile,Sentinel-Ground,cammy-Anti-air that is my tourney team I try to mix it up by throwing in some speed instead of Doom,Sentinel,cable to popular what I really would want to see is a tourney where people use nothing but traps (not B4) something free just a quick demo about 5-min long maybe,Knowing myself I'll probably end up getting the B-4 video also do you know any sites that I can download tourney video? Well thanks again Posted by ryuster on 10:11:2000 10:54 AM: gamerzero= im from sa, and i play tekken. ive been practicing with big jason from time to time. and that doom combo i got off these guys from irc. i guess they didnt want to elaborate from me since i was asking how to start it off. im very new to marvel, but ill be playing snk vs cap from now on. in this world of moan i walk alone........ Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:11:2000 12:22 PM: Hey have you seen big Jason? Oh, so you are a newbie? You go to diversions alot? Posted by ryuster on 10:11:2000 01:02 PM: gamerzero: yeah, i used to im too old now. ive known big jason for years, he's a very good teacher when it comes to the mechanics of games. him and cleon got me started on it. i go to the one on culebra a lot. thats where good comp for mvc is. big rob and this other guy usually win the tournys there, i think jason won the last one. in this world of moan i walk alone........ Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:11:2000 01:36 PM: Oh,how do you know cleon?I've been hearing left and right about tourney's up there if I had a damn ride then I'd show up but this guy named Hunter use to take me up to clabra diversions, I go to the walzem Diversions and damn there is no competion now it's like everybody is below me, hey you know Ned? I still need to beat Ned in MVC 2 Do you have AIM ? Also I'm thinking about catching a bus there so I can get some competion. Posted by ryuster on 10:12:2000 01:37 AM: yeah, i know all of them.. i saw them last night at culebra. i practiced with cleon right before nationals for tekken. they call me ryu. no joke, even though im not good at street fighter thats the nickname ive had since 93. yeah but you need to go up to d's and play rob. big jason showed him some stuff, in this world of moan i walk alone........ Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:12:2000 02:54 AM: Oh, at least your good at something I thought that you were a complete newbie to both MVC 2 and Tekken but I know your not cause you ARE one of San Antonio's best at Tekken (any tekken) I have heard alot about you so you are RYU well when you get a cahnce go up to Jason and tell him I said what up and when he says from who tell him from HashBrown just tell him that and he will know who I am.So have Ned and Hunter been up there? Also I was wondering,if you ask Hunter when he's going up to Austin or Houston if it's not too much to ask.Well are you going to be in the Capcom vs. snk tourney hopfully I should be there but it's not a sure thing. Also what does big rob look like (I might have played him) whenever I play him I sometimes beat Big J most of the time he beats me though.Also how often does big J go up there I might take the bus up there even though from where I live (winsor park mall area) Calebra Diversions it Far really far.I've gotten alot better in MVC 2 I switched my team completly now since I play with traps.Later Posted by Buggernaut on 10:12:2000 07:57 AM: yo gamerz, once again, no offence, i didn't mean any. anyway, sorry for assuming yoru colossus and jugg team. and sounds like you got a trap team yourself if you got cable assist with. if you hav ea lot of supers, you can lock an opponent down with that assist and hyper sent force super and chip like mad. I like your team but i think you might have some balance problems cause cable's a guy you wanna charge for supers, but so's sentinel so you got two guys that can really eat up supers which is kinda hard, i think. I think that if you play this team, you should have cammy first cause she's the closest thing you got to a battery out of those three and maybe you might even wanna take out either cable or sentinel cause it's frustrating not having enough supers. i've seen a lot of good sentinel/blackheart traps and blackheart doen'st need to eat supers like cable. not to mention that sentinel/blackheart is close to imopssible to get out of. well think about it. and i don't know where you can actualy get any tourney videos unless besides the b4. Posted by ryuster on 10:12:2000 09:56 AM: gamerzero: well big rob is just as tall as jason but not as fat. also i hardly see ned and cleon only when they go up to diversions on culebra, cleon and i will exchange info about game mechanics. leave it to cleon to find the interesting stuff and big jason to break it down for the students like myself. i play real scrubbish since i just started playing mvc2. i use ice man, cable, and roll. maybe doom, sometimes. but i think i might switch to blackheart cause i hear so many good things about him. as far as culebra comp goes expect them to be reallllllllll aggresive. very fast mix ups. laters. in this world of moan i walk alone........ Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:12:2000 11:09 AM: Lol, don't make me laugh the competion down there was nothing (well not that great) last time I was there maening no one was better than me I hope everyone improved like did in MVC 2.Also tell me how do people play up there still without traps or do they play "normal" meaning comboing each without "real strategie" I don't know for some reason I don't like to describe my tactics I use in MVC 2 when I play then you will see my tactics. So I take it Jason goes up there alot right?? I need to get in touch with him.To see what's going down, but if Hunter and Ned are not at Claebra Diversions then that are at most likely at San Pedro Diversions.As soon as I get a little more experience in the arcade with Sentinel then I'll be alot better since I don't play sentinel in the arcades. Another how is the competion in MVC 2 and Capcom vs. SNK and Street fighter third strike you described it as people being "aggressive" I know there ruthless and will show you no mercy nor any pity ,but could you describe how people up there play? (more detail if possible) I heard that the controls for Capcom vs. SNK were weird and that the buttons are "far apart" from each other.Also how much MVC 2 tourneys did they have? Last time I called they said that if they did have anymore it would be sometime around Christmas. One last thing did you tell Jason that 'Hashbrown' said what up? If not that's cool.So in Tekken you usually win or .....lose but then again I remember what Cleon said something like "It's not so much if you win, it's how much you improve" he said some sh*t like that so whenever I play scubs in MVC 2 or SF 3rd S I remember what Cleon said after a scrub ends my 21 win streak.I try to remember that. Later Posted by rpghiryux on 10:13:2000 06:41 AM: The last few posts remind of something... The time I went down to Houston and raped the guy who ran off 23 wins their... Anywayz if youre so worried about trapping I suggest you either get really really good at it extremely fast or learn how deal enough damage without having to trap. Pull your own Cable on the team and just wait for the opening. Trapping ain't the whole game you know altough winning has a lot to do with your oppoent making mistakes. Against the Doom/Hiryu trap remember all you really have to do is get a couple of combos ending with supers and hes scrwed... When at the peak of the game all you can do execute, execute, and execute. Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:13:2000 07:19 AM: Believe me rpghiryux I know how to play without traps (very well) and I am fairly good but not good enough to use traps in tourneys meaning if I had to use a trap the entire round I'd mess up maybe because of an opening to get out or maybe beacause of I did not press a button fast enough or maybe beacause I did not press a tag button fast enough etc...but traps in my opinion are not meant to be for an entire round.Even though this may not be your team how would you play Doom,Blackheart without assist after someone like cable or Sentinel was gone? D*mn eveyone is saying how good Blackheart is?Besides his assist and inf. what else does he have? Well, thanks for replying later Posted by Goku on 10:14:2000 03:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gamerzr0: Believe me rpghiryux I know how to play without traps (very well) and I am fairly good but not good enough to use traps in tourneys meaning if I had to use a trap the entire round I'd mess up maybe because of an opening to get out or maybe beacause of I did not press a button fast enough or maybe beacause I did not press a tag button fast enough etc...but traps in my opinion are not meant to be for an entire round.Even though this may not be your team how would you play Doom,Blackheart without assist after someone like cable or Sentinel was gone? D*mn eveyone is saying how good Blackheart is?Besides his assist and inf. what else does he have? Well, thanks for replying later Jumping HK, air dash, good chain-in ( QCB+PP XX QCF+KK) and probably alot of other stuff. Posted by The Fearless Decoy on 10:16:2000 07:32 AM: Hello, I need some advice. By no means am I a tourney level player, but I consider myself above average. My team nowadays is mainly Omega Red, Ken, and Cyclops, and I got dry anal r*ped by the Doom / Blackheart trap. I mean really *really* prison raped. The other guy started with Doom, and charged me in the pre-start positioning, so I decided to have Red start the round by jumping forward and throwing a coil down. Doom super jumped back, threw out the HP laser (I blocked), and started the trap with Blackheart's AAA. I'd seen him use the trap, and thought I could break it with Cyke's beam assist. He got maimed, and Ken's AAA assist wouldn't reach full screen. Red got chipped to death, then Ken got guard broke and AHVB x4'd Cyke was at half health when he came in, and actually survived until time ran out. Now, I was playing for fun, not tourney practice or anything (no Dreamcast) but how can this trap be broken??? -Decoy, who is still hurtin. Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:16:2000 01:10 PM: I can't answer your question...Maybe some "pros" might help you I suggest that you go post at they will help you. later Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:16:2000 03:17 PM: [This message has been edited by Gamerzr0 (edited 10-16-2000).] [This message has been edited by Gamerzr0 (edited 10-16-2000).] Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:17:2000 08:16 AM: Um...does anyone know how to post pictures? "You must remember never underestimate your opponent" Posted by Cylus on 10:21:2000 11:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gamerzr0: I can't answer your question...Maybe some "pros" might help you I suggest that you go post at they will help you. later Man.. most of the people who post faqs at gamefaqs are scrubs. There's a few good ones there, but they still lack any real depth in gameplay. Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:22:2000 04:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Cylus: Man.. most of the people who post faqs at gamefaqs are scrubs. There's a few good ones there, but they still lack any real depth in gameplay. Okay,first of all some faqs there might be a little too "basic" but thoughs are for newbies also notice I said "post" meaning on the message board. Alright that's it later Posted by Cylus on 10:22:2000 11:03 AM: I'm still trying to figure out what you said there. Not trying to insult you, I would just like to know what you're saying. As for GameFAQS.. it's pretty good for console games, but the FAQS for fighting games usually are just moves and a few combos, then some complaining about what is cheap. Like I said.. they are written mostly by scrubs. I'm just trying to warn those who do not already know "Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much; Wisdom is humble that he knows no more." -William Cowper Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:22:2000 02:01 PM: "Man.. most of the people who post faqs at gamefaqs are scrubs." Like you said above you got a point but people who write "Basic" or "scrubbish Faqs" you might say in your words Scrubs who write "basic" faqs probably are just writing faqs just to get popular or maybe because they are bored.I'm just saying that some faqs DO have depth such as one written about strider, then sinawe's Spiral faq the list goes on.That's why I meant to say go there and post at the MVC2 message board. But then again I don't know your definiton of Depth. "You must remember never underestimate your opponent" Posted by Gamerzr0 on 10:22:2000 02:26 PM: The Fearless Decoy-If you ever run into that guy who used Doom/BH again, remember to use ken's AAA assist to break the trap up although you may already know this cause we just had an article on Traps alright then later. "You must remember never underestimate your opponent" All times are GMT. The time now is 04:51 PM. 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